Building upon the work that has been done and continues to be done in our region by various organizations and individuals alike, the vision of the “North Country Neighbors: Welcoming Our Global Community” initiative is for the greater Plattsburgh region to become an approved resettlement community for United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) approved refugees.
This will be accomplished by activating and strengthening our existing network of infrastructure (housing, childcare, transportation, healthcare, and more) to support and sustain a small refugee resettlement population. This initiative will strengthen our region’s overall diversity, economy, and future well-being.”
Tale of the Starfish
This video is a modern adaptation of the “Starfish Story” originally written by Loren Eiseley in 1969. It’s a story about how important making a difference is in people's lives, even if it is just one.
Produced by: Reel Shoe Production